Course Introduction
Book Recommendations
Student Notes - L01-06
L01 - Culture
L02 - Engaging Culture
L03 - Worldviews
L04 - Worldviews
L05 - Bible Characters
L06 - Significant Influence
Student Notes - L07-09
L07 - Authority and Institutions
L08 - Government in the Bible
L09 - Civil Disobedience
Student Notes - L10-13
L10 - Around the World - Atheism
L11 - Around the World - Islam
L12 - Around the World - Christianity
L13 - Refugees and Immigration
Student Notes - L14-18
L14 - Morality and Justice
L15 - Secular Views of Justice
L16 - Biblical Justice
L17 - Capital Punishment
L18 - Bible and Race
Student Notes - L19-22
L19 - Pro-Life Topics
L20 - Importance of Marriage and Family
L21 - Gay Marriage History and Impact
L22 - Gay Marriage, A Compassionate Response
Student Notes - L23-25
L23 - Responding to Culture
L24 - Separation of Church and State
L25 - Religion and Politics
Student Notes - L26-28
L26 - Biblical Framework of Engagement
L27 - Framework for Involvement
L28 - Legally What Church Can and Can't Do
Student Notes - L29-31
L29 - Leading in Today's Culture
L30 - Human Trafficking
L31 - Marijuana
Student Notes - L32-36
L32 - Views on Wealth
L33 - Kingdom Economics
L34 - Kingdom Economics
L35 - Capitalism and Socialism
L36 - Economic Myths
Student Notes - L37-40
L37 - Poverty and Charity
L38 - Global Poverty
L39 - How to Help Without Hurting
L40 - Homelessness
Student Notes - L41-43
L41 - Excuses Christians Give
L42 - Excuses Christians Give
L43 - Joining God's Redemptive Work