Course Introduction
Book Recommendations
Student Notes - L01-05
L01 - Aligning to the Call
L02 - Aligning to the Call
L03 - Destroying Disabling Delusions
L04 - Disabling Delsions
L05 - Disabling Delusions
Student Notes - L06-12
L06 - Styles & Types
L07 - Styles & Types
L08 - People Open to the Gospel
L09 - Basics of the Gospel
L10 - Sharing the Gospel
L11 - Sharing the Gospel
L12 - Salvation and Testimony
Student Notes - L13-18
L13 - Receiving and Responding to His Voice
L14 - The Power Necessary for Breakthrough
L15 - Caring for the Lost
L16 - Caring for the Lost
L17 - Principles for Fruitful Evangelism
L18 - Principles for Fruitful Evangelism
Student Notes - L19-21
L19 - Worlds Religion and Cults
L20 - World Religions and Cults
L21 - Society's Perspective of Church
Student Notes - L22-27
L22 - Turning decisions to Disciples
L23 - Decisions to Disciples
L24 - Faith and Evangelism
L25 - Will Revival Come
L26 - Will Revival Come
L27 - Key to Evangelism