5.0 /5

Course Introduction
Book Recommendations
Student Notes L01-03
L01 - Introduction
L02 - Introduction
L03 - Introduction
Student Notes L04-06
L04 - Revelation
L05 - Revelation
L06 - Revelation
Student Notes L07-10
L07 - Inspiration
L08 - Inspiration
L09 - Inspiration
L10 - Inspiration and God
Student Notes L11-16
L11 - God
L12 - God
L13 - God
L14 - God
L15 - God
L16 - God
Student Notes L17-18
L17 - Holy Spirit
L18 - Holy Spirit
Student Notes L19-21
L19 - Angels
L20 - Angels
L21 - Angels
Student Notes L22-26
L22 - Satan and Demonology
L23 - Satan and Demonology
L24 - Satan and Demonology
L25 - Satan and Demonology
L26 - Satan and Demonology
Student Notes L27-29
L27 - Man
L28 - Man
L29 - Man
Student Notes L30-34
L30 - Sin
L31 - Sin
L32 - Sin
L33 - Sin
L34 - Sin

5.0 /5

  • Petrus
    Very Good

    Very interesting material

  • Debbie
    I learned so much!

    I loved this portion of the class. Mr. Malmin presents the material in a very understandable way and I love his sense of humour. I have already learned so much. Thank you

  • Efendy
    Clear, Simple and Understandable

    I am so blessed by the content of this course. It deepened my understand about the Word of God and His love.

  • Reonaldo
    This course helped me to understand the purpose of God's revelation to mankind!

    I am really blessed and God open my knowledge and mind even more after following the lecture, more understanding about what is the revelation and how God reveals Himself to all man and through man!

  • Stephen
    Great class

    This was a great class and I am glad I took it!

  • Robyn
    Teaching is fully supported by Scripture

    Years of Bible study makes more sense, proving the benefits of systematic order.

  • Jefri
    Doctrine of angel


  • Portland Bible

    This course has helped shape the way I understand the Bible!

  • Adrian
    Great Course!

    I love it, it explains a lot of questions in a very clear way!

  • Peila
    Know my Creator better through Basic Doctrine Part 1

    So many "AHA" moments in every single lecture. I cannot help myself to write down nearly every single words that Prof Ken taught. Can't wait to explore part 2.

  • Grace Octavia
    This course has helped me grow my relationship with God

    How can we start a relationship with God if we don’t know anything about Him? This course has encouraged me to keep growing my relationship with God. if you don’t know any facts about God, how do you even know that you have the Right God?

  • Yenni Tarmizi
    Easy to Digest

    The content of the course is easy to understand.

  • Hendra
    Doctrine of Sin

    Love it

  • Marisca Melissa
    Very good

    I'm blessed

  • Aghwan Doddy Wahyudi

    It gives me more knowledge and understanding

    Great, awesome

    Very awesome

  • Stella
    Doctrine of Christ

    Have gained so much more than I anticipated. I would definately encourage anyone to take this class.

  • Raul
    Love this

    This intro is very informative and I enjoyed it very much

  • Cathy
    Doctrine of God

    What an eye opener. Learning so much that it's blowing my mind and so thankful for this course. Wish I had had access to this when I was younger. Sharing it with as many as I can.

  • Paula
    Amazing course!

    Ken is an awesome, relatable, and personable teacher. He brought so much alive within the subject matter through stories, testimonies and instruction. Great course and foundational to my faith.