Course Introduction
Book Recommendations
Student Notes - L01
L01 - Introduction
Student Notes - L02-03
L02 - Ministry Philosophy
L03 - Ministry Philosophy
Student Notes - L04
L04 - What You Should Know
Student Notes - L05-06
L05 - Approaches to Counseling
L06 - Approaches to Counseling
Student Notes - L07
L07 - Decision Making
Student Notes - L08-10
L08 - Biblical Basis for Counseling
L09 - Biblical Basis for Counseling
L10 - Biblical Basis for Counseling
Student Notes - L11
L11 - Counseling Bringing the Gospel
Student Notes - L12
L12 - Sexuality and Purity
Student Notes - L13-16
L13 - How to Counsel
L14 - How to Counsel
L15 - How to Counsel
L16 - How to Counsel
Student Notes - L17
L17 - The Tone of Conversation
Student Notes L18-19
L18 - Conflict Resolution
L19 - Conflict Resolution
Student Notes - L20
L20 - The Wounded Spirit
Student Notes - L21
L21 - Role of Prayer
Student Notes - L22
L22 - Q&A Session
Student Notes - L23
L23 - Obedience to God's Word
Student Notes - L24
L24 - Full Surrender to God