Course Introduction
Student Notes L01-02
L01 - Intro to Personal Decision Making
L02 - The Will of God
Student Notes L03-10
L03 - Making Great Life Decisions
L04 - Making Great Life Decisions II
L05 - Making Great Life Decisions III
L06 - Making Great Life Decisions IV
L07 - Making Great Life Decisions V
L08 - Case Study [Pa406]
L09 - Making Great Life Decisions VI
L10 - Making Great Life Decisions VII
Student Notes L11-14
L12 - 5 Steps of Decision Making
L11 - About Wisdom
L13 - 5 Steps of Decision Making II
L14 - 5 Steps of Decision Making III
Student Notes L15-20
L15 - Intro Leadership Decision Making
L16 - Developing Good Judgment I
L17 - Developing Good Judgment II
L18 - Development of Good Judgment Case Study
L19 - Developing Good Judgment III
L20 - Developing Good Judgment IV
Student Notes L21-26
L21 - Leadership Decision Making I
L22 - Leadership Decision Making II
L23 - Leadership Decision Making III
L24 - Mental Toughness
L25 - Pastoral Case Study
L26 - Conclusion